Events & Webinars November 5, 2020

Nanoparticulate Impurities in Excipients – A Threat to Protein Stability

Merck Life Science hosts this Webinar with Coriolis Scientists

A main reason for using excipients is to stabilize the active pharmaceutical ingredient and by that, ensuring an effective and safe therapy. Pharmaceutical grade sucrose, an important and commonly used stabilizer, contains nanoparticulate impurities (NPIs) of 100-200 nm size originating from the starting raw material. In this webinar, the scientists behind the discovery discuss the characteristics of these NPIs, explain their impact on aggregate/particle analytics and show, on the example of antibodies, that NPIs are a threat to protein stability. Their research has triggered the development of improved sucrose grades, that are low in NPIs to reduce the risk of unwanted instability

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • The role of sucrose as a stabilizer in pharmaceutical
  • Presence and characteristics of nanoparticulate impurities (NPIs) in pharmaceutical-grade sucrose
  • Impact of NPIs on protein stability
  • Succrose with low NPI content
Dr. Andrea Hawe Chief Scientific Officer at Coriolis
Dr. Daniel Weinbuch Analytical Service Specialist at Coriolis Pharma
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