Prof. Dr. Gideon Kersten

Prof. Dr. Gideon Kersten is a vaccinologist with over 35 years of experience in vaccine development. His special interests are in characterization and formulation of biologicals. He joined the vaccine division of the Institute for Public Health in the Netherlands in 1985, where he was involved in the development of new vaccines and the improvement of existing ones. These included vaccines against polio, influenza, respiratory syncytial (RS) virus, Neisseria meningitidis type B and pertussis. Prof. Kersten was responsible for formulation development and vaccine characterization. Since 2012, he holds a special professorship in vaccine development at Leiden university in the Netherlands. In 2017, Prof. Kersten became Chief Scientific Officer of Intravacc, a vaccine R&D institute. In 2020, Prof. Kersten joined Coriolis Pharma. He has published over 100 peer reviewed scientific papers and book chapters and supervised 10 PhD students. He is a frequent lecturer at universities and during the Corona crisis, he was frequently contacted by journalists to comment on vaccine related topics.

Prof. Dr. Gideon Kersten